RainTunes: Shower scenarios for the soul

Light, hearing, smell, and touch: Together with experts, we have developed sensuous scenarios that turn showering into an individual experience. Whether you want to prepare for the day ahead or relax after working out. Whether you want to refresh after a day’s work or unwind at the end of the evening: RainTunes surprises with multisensory experiences.*
*Currently available only in Germany and Austria.
The shower becomes a sensuous experience
All you need is your smartphone and the hansgrohe home app. With a touch, the app will load your selected scenario into the shower, where you begin via the Play button.

A new age in the bathroom
The world is spinning faster and faster, stress levels are rising – and with them, our deep need for rituals to slow down everyday life and bring us back into balance. It’s no coincidence that “mindfulness” and “wellness” are key words of our time. The bathroom is evolving into a retreat where we can let go of it all and come to ourselves. New technological possibilities make it possible for us to experience water in a new, comprehensive way. We can make our desire for peace and balance a reality. This way, the daily shower becomes a highly personal experience.
Seven preconfigured shower scenarios for your current mood
hansgrohe is launching RainTunes with seven shower scenarios. Water, video, sound, light, and aroma combine to create a harmonious interplay. RainTunes turns showering into a wellness experience for now and then or a pleasant way to fall asleep. Experience your personal shower pleasure – for the perfect start to the day, a relaxing effect after a hard day’s work, or some soothing recuperation after exercise. To do this, choose one of the preconfigured scenarios, depending on your mood and the time of day. With a tap of your finger, your shower will start the selected experience.
Welkom in het tijdperk van sensuele douchemomenten!
Talrijke experts hebben ons geholpen bij het ontwikkelen van de scenario's. De trainingssequentie werd bijvoorbeeld ontworpen in nauwe samenwerking met het BORA-hansgrohe wielerteam. Akoestische geluidslandschappen vormen een harmonieuze symbiose met de respectieve waterchoreografie. Geurige essences, speciaal ontworpen voor de scenario's, zorgen voor een aangename verwennerij. Afhankelijk van het doucheprogramma kunnen speciaal geënsceneerde beeldsequenties je op een videoscherm begeleiden. Bijpassende LED-ambianceverlichting baadt de hele badkamer in sfeervol licht. En jij? Dompel jezelf onder in een sfeer van welzijn.
With these moods taken from everyday life, RainTunes is a pleasant and helpful partner for everyday challenges:
- GOOD MORNING. A gentle sunrise accompanies you as you start your day. This refreshing shower programme stimulates your senses, wakes you up and gives you a fresh kick.
- BEAUTY. A wellness programme to revitalise your cells. Warm rain caresses your body, a jet of water massages your head, a gentle facial shower pampers you.
- VITALITY. In this scenario, you stimulate your whole body. Varied alternating showers activate your defences, stimulate your circulation, metabolism and nervous system.
- NAUTRE. Take a mental walk through a beautiful landscape and treat yourself to a forest bath. This shower programme offers you a safe haven to recharge your batteries.
- RECOVERY. A soothing fitness partner after your workout. This alternately gentle and intense shower programme helps regenerate your body and mind after exercise.
- RELAXATION. Immerse yourself and recharge your batteries. This soothing shower programme can pamper anyone who is short on time but desperately needs balance and slowing down.
- GOOD NIGHT. A shower scenario that is like a warm, cosy blanket. Bring the day to a peaceful end and put all your senses in a calm mood. For a restful night's sleep.
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